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Automatic Tool Changer Is A Device On CNC Lathe Machine Tools.

Automatic Tool Changer Is A Device On CNC Lathe Machine Tools.
Simple lathe machine tools can only work with a single tool. Turret-type lathe machines can be used with more tools, but if you need more tools, you need to work with automatic tool changers. The automatic tool changer is designed with a magazine that stores unused tools, allowing the machine to automatically process with a variety of tools without human intervention. The main part of the automatic tool changer includes a base, a gripping arm, a tool holder, a support arm and a magazine. Although the automatic tool changer improves the speed and accuracy, there are some additional problems compared to the manual tool change. For example, the tool must be very easy to align, the tool changer should be easy to grip the tool, and it must be simple. The way to get the tool out of the fixture. Therefore, ATC-specific tools are placed in specially designed tool holders.